Sunday, September 9, 2007

Wish You Guys A Nice Weekend

I am kinda busy here looking for baby stuff online that is why I have not quite updated my blog here. I apologize for not returning your visit's just that there are times I get busy but don't worry I will be in your respective places when I am done with my ebay addiction.

By the way,here is the answer to your tag Ives. Passing this to everybody.If you feel like grabbing it, just go on...

1. What are the five tv shows that you love to watch? COPS,Midday News,The Nanny,ANTM,Forensic Files

2. What are the last five books you have read? Magazine,American Baby..I guess that's all not into reading lately.

3. Name five friends from your childhood: Gemma,Trexia,Railyn and new found friends

4. What are your five bath and beauty products? Loyal kos product sa Pinas do:Likas Papaya,myra-e,creamsilk, lau-at shampoo and etc.

5. Name five things about you or that you have done in your life that might surprise other people.There are so many but its hard to tell in here.

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