Friday, June 25, 2010

The Last Visit

June 20-21,2010 on Father's Day and my birthday was probably be the last visit to the Freedom House in San Antonio for the person we used to visit there a lot is gone. When I took these photos below, it was such a very beautiful, pretty and calm day. The house was just a walking distance away from the guest room so when my husband told me to come to the Freedom House we did it right away.

Jadyn and I made two stops on our way there, we stopped by at the deer statue for she wanted to climb on it real quick and stopped at the stone sign for the second time to take pictures... those times we kept delaying to get to the house were precious. If we didn't make those stops, we could have seen my father inlaw barely alive.

When we finally were able to get to where he was, he was already dead fifteen minutes before we arrived. That struck me so much for I never had a chance to bid goodbye to the good old man. Fortunately though on Father's Day, a day prior his death I was able to greet him Happy Father's Day, talked to him a bit and touched his warm hand.

........... it's been the home of my father inlaw for the past two years, we too learned to love the place.. each visit to him is a big fulfillment to us and that is of course always appreciated by our dear father...

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