Wednesday, August 3, 2011

She Has Arthritis

Two of my grandmothers on both sides of my parents are still alive. At age 80 plus, they are still working... one has a farm and the other grandmother I have works as a health worker in a small isolated town in the Philippines. This grandmother of mine who is a health worker has her own health problem too but that doesn't hinder her from going to work. She has arthritis in her knees and she is suffering with it for years. I wish for her to find doctors who treat arthritis in her town. I feel pity for her but what can I do? She is poor and cannot afford to see a doctor.

If only she was here with me, I could have helped her by getting her one of the best bay st. louis arthritis doctors. Perhaps that could relieve her pain especially during night time before going to bed. All she could do is lather with home made anti pain oil that she concocted herself. Seeing a specialist would be a good idea so she can receive the right treatment for her illness.

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