Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bidrack Exists

I only know two auction sites in my life until I chanced upon bidrack this morning. It used to be just E-bay and property room now I know three. Bidrack is unique for they promise, if you purchase a $60 or more bid package they guarantee that you will win at least one bid pack auction. Or for a better understanding, it simply says, each auction starts and zero, there is a timer on this action and every time one bid is places, it goes up for another 15 seconds and if there is no other bids other yourself than you then you win. Free to register that will get you free bonus spins on the wheel but there is a fee if you wish to place bids again of 50 cents.

You question will be, after purchasing that $60 bid package and what if you don't win? If you do not win, bids you used will be instantly credited back to your account. The website itself give you your bids back until you do win! Here is a great thing, only Bid Packages $60 and above carry the win guarantee, $27 bid packages are not guaranteed. To learn more about this site, please visit the link above and it should get you to the information you need to know. Good luck and enjoy winning on your favorite items.

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