Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I'm Feeling Thankful

Such a great and inspiring photo message on Facebook for me today. Although there'll be times I feel so neglected, outcast, forgotten and lost, God never left me. Despite being a sinner, God is always there for me, giving me strength to go on with life. Thank You so much Dear God for always being good to me! You amaze me in a way that human cannot understand. I feel thankful to Him for all the blessings He poured me everyday even though I am not deserving of all these. 

Thank You also for the gift of life, for keeping us safe from harm, accidents, death and calamities. Thank You for my beautiful family, for my lovely precious little girls and most of all thank You for an everyday tasks You give me, small and big that has come and will come my way in the future. Amen!

1 comment:

rona said...

Amen! There's a lot of things to be thankful for and I pray that God blesses you even more in the days to come! God bless you sis and may He continually pour you with happiness!


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