Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Patiently Waiting On Me

I just had my shower and it feels good to freshen up after such a boring cold day. While at the shower I didn't feel any worry towards my baby eventhough there is no one who look after her while I was in the bathroom.
I just let her loose so she can play with the dog. The dog on the other hand is just a good company of my baby because she keep Deden entertained by playing together Chichai's damaged stuff toy. From start to finish of my shower my baby was just playing around near the bathroom gate, waiting on me at the same playing with dog Chichai.
When I got out fresh, my baby was so happy and followed me here in the computer room. That is my baby, always so good. She is just amazing because she doesn't whine nor give me hard time.

1 comment:

Samantha Ysabelle said...

little deden is so cute! you are lucky mommy that she doesn't give you a hard time. me, i cry sometimes if i find myself alone in the room especially if i just woke up. but if i am awake and enjoying playing with my toys, i am okay being alone as long as it's not too long.


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