Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mom Knew Best

Thanks for the guest post by Esteban Vinson

My mom knew I was old enough to have my own place so she talked to dad last year about buying me a house in the town where I went to school. It really just made sense since they were spending so much on my monthly rent anyway while I was in school and once I graduated they would be able to keep the house and rent it out. Instant rental income! Anyway, they got me the two-bedroom place I was hankering for and we made all the necessary upgrades. A lot of them were safety oriented thanks to my dad like going to and putting in deadbolts on all the doors but mom came through with things like paint colors and bedspreads. I feel more like an adult than ever and I love coming home to my very own house every day – I’ve always been more mature than some of my peers so it just makes sense that I would live in this great house by myself. I can handle it!

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