Friday, August 21, 2009


Heavy thurnderstom awaken my baby at 4 0'clock this morning. She was making cute and little crying sound in the crib and I thought something was going on with her. When I got up and went to know what was the crying all about that is when I realized she probably was afraid of the thunderstorm. It was weird for I never heard my anak afraid of anything. So I picked her up, brought her to our bed and tap her gently and voila! She went back to sleep cuddling me and her sacred BAPO' or pillow. Sweet is the baby girl because just a little bit of cuddling, she felt safe and comfortable and completely trusted me then went back to dreamland.

Today is suppose to be cooler than the previous days. It rained last night, plants and the yard got enough good rain to keep them alive for the rest of the summer. I like it when it rains because I wouldn't be too uncomfy, it's cooler when it rains you know? Perfect timing huh since we planned of going out today for me to take an exam for driving permit. So this is all for me today. Gotta go and feed our hungry tummies! You all have a nice cool day today.

1 comment:

""rarejonRez"" said...

tipid kaayo inyong ulan diha sa texas no? i bet when it rains, everybody is happy! ;-)


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